Price of admission is $20* per conversation.
Clancestry Clancestry Conversations

fnconnectingfamily24 Clancestry Conversations QPAC Clancestry Clancestry Conversations
Clancestry Conversations is a curated series of conversations centred around First Nations issues of today.
This year we will feature two conversations: one with stories behind the production Straight from the Strait from the Aunties and Uncles who have carried this story from that historic day; and speak to organisation Link-Up (Qld) about their work in reconnecting stolen generations back with family and Country.
Don’t miss these thought-provoking and insightful conversation as part of Clancestry 2024.
Clancestry Conversation 1: Straight from the Strait – Where the Story Begins
Straight From The Strait
Saturday, 3 August 2024, 11:30am
Torres Strait Islander musical Straight from the Strait will be making its world premiere at QPAC from 28 August 2024 as part of Brisbane Festival.
Before it hits the stage later this year, gain a deeper understanding of its beginnings and hear the stories from the Aunties, Uncles and Family who have carried this story from that historic day.
About Straight from the Strait
On 8 May 1968, a group of remarkable Torres Strait Islander workers on the vast expanse of the Mount Newman railway construction project shattered a world record as they laid down an astonishing 7km of track in a single day, an unparalleled feat that still stands unchallenged. At the heart of their extraordinary achievement is the power of song – songs that are unique to Australia, that tell a passionate and inspiring story.
They found brotherhood and triumph despite the backbreaking labour, forging much of the railway transport infrastructure that operates across the country to this day.
Developed through collaboration and consultation with the Yumpla Nerkep Foundation and Torres Strait Islander artists, Elders, and communities, Straight from the Strait is led by a team of First Nations creatives, performers, musicians, and cultural advisors.
Clancestry Conversation 2: Link-Up (Qld) – Importance of Connecting Family
Link-Up QLD Logo
Saturday, 3 August 2024, 1:30pm
For the last three years, QPAC has partnered with Link-Up (Qld) in hosting a morning tea to commemorate the National Apology. While most of us know about the services they offer, do we really understand the importance of reconnecting stolen generations back, not only with family, but also to Country?
Join us in this Clancestry Conversation as Link-Up (Qld) discusses the work they do and shares some of their client stories around tracing heritage, finding family and of coming home.
About Link-Up (Qld)
Link-Up (Qld) Aboriginal Corporation provides a service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been affected by past government policies and practices related to forced removal, fostering, institutionalisation and adoption.
They conduct family history research and tracing, and facilitate healing activities, community education sessions and public awareness events. The organisation also works to influence policy and keep the challenges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have faced and are facing on the agenda.